Now’s the Time to Order Needed Parts Replacement on Irrigation System

Winter is the time to start thinking about irrigating your fields if you’re farming in the northern clime. Sure, you won’t actually start irrigation to well past the winter season. Now’s the time, however, to review your Zimmatic irrigation system for needed repairs, parts replacement and upgrades.
Take stock of mechanisms and parts that may have seemed worn during the last growing season. Check tires for signs of leakage, and if there are any missing lug nuts on the wheels. If you saw deep wheel ruts in your field, it can be a sign of excessive and prolonged rubbing that can cause damage to your drive train and components if left unattended.
You also want to check gear box seals for signs of wearing or linkage. Look to make sure all shields are in place and if there’s been noticeable wear on drive shafts or couplers.
Aging irrigation system?
Zimmatic pivots are built with the thickest pipeline in the industry, made to be durable and last for decades. Yet nothing lasts forever. Look for flat spans that have that have lost their arch due to thinning pipeline. Have you noticed pinhole leaks in the pipeline, or excessive wear in the system? These could be signs of potential mechanical failure in the structure or drive line, as could excessive rust in the drains. All of this could be indications that it may be time to replace an aging system.
Get started now
Whether you need to make minor repairs and replace worn-out parts. Or you think it may be time to invest in a new system, the time to talk with the irrigation experts at Koviak Maintenance is now. We can supply you with the genuine Zimmatic replacement parts you need to do the necessary maintenance so you have your irrigation system ready to go when the growing season arrives.
If you’re thinking you may need to replace all or parts of your current system, or you need to add to it, this is also the best time to discuss your options with us at Koviak. We are the experts in Southwest Michigan in providing you with the best irrigation system on the market today to keep your fields green and healthy.