
Now’s the Time to Order Needed Parts Replacement on Irrigation System

Gear Box

Winter is the time to start thinking about irrigating your fields if you’re farming in the northern clime. Sure, you won’t actually start irrigation to well past the winter season. Now’s the time, however, to review your Zimmatic irrigation system for needed repairs, parts replacement and upgrades.

Tags: zimmatic

Irrigation Helps Global Food Processor Double Crop Peas and Sweet Corn

Zimmatic Irrigation

Lindsay pivots, laterals and hose reel irrigation systems are helping one of the world’s largest vegetable growers and processors increase yields, quality and profitability in the heart of Russia’s most productive agricultural region.

The large, modern Lindsay irrigation system is located on the Rogovskaya farm in the Krasnodar region of southern Russia, which is managed by one of the world’s largest food processors – the Bonduelle Group.

Tags: Irrigation, zimmatic